Exploration on the Line#2

First Exploration#1: gradually change

During this part of exploration, I decided to observe sky’s changes during a day and night.


I spent like almost a day, to watch the sky’s changes. I was felt like even during every moments, the lights are changed; and because of the changes from the light, it lead the color of the sky changed.  When I look up the sky, I think they are like my mood, almost changing in every times. And the color of sky was influenced by the building and the trees that are around it, and also can be influenced by the weather.


After my observation, I go back to studio and drew the color of the sky that I watched.

Second Exploration#2:Fine feature


I did an observation about stone. I watched the color changes about the light projecting on stones.

Here are some stones that I picked on the line, I felt like the colors that are also has their own variations on the each part of the stone.

Third Exploration#3: mood

During the day time, except  about watching the fine changes on the sky and note the differences of color, I choose a way that pass this glass greenhouse. suddenly I felt release and easier to face everything. Like a change about the light. Just easiest feeling and a kind of pleasure about this priceless achievement.

Fourth Exploration#4: texture

The figure that all I found are about this exploration is to defined texture.

I was trying to figure out the fine changes about texture on the simplest object.

In additional, here are some feedback that I got from Thea, Hannah, and a classmate that I don’t know…

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