The Word-AIR (Three collections)

As we all known, air is compounded  by different elements; And the common name given to the atmospheric gases used in breathing and photosynthesis is air. By volume, dry air contains 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.039% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases. Air also contains a variable amount of water vapor, on average around 1%.


It is hyaline.It is a stir in the atmosphere, a light breeze

First collection#1:the atmosphere on the Earth.

There are lots of thoughts appeared in my mind during the time that I walked on the line.

Everyone are hyaline to this world, all of us can be considered as the air. But each and every one of us in this world is indispensable, and looks like a gear driven by the World’s turn, as an indispensable air, but we are not aware of it.

Air is around us. Like us around this world.

Second collection#2: Overhead Space, Sky

Water in the air condenses in forming a small water droplets, thus resulting in snow. I was walked on the road, and looked at the sky and snow; they are all from the air, but the color of those two are very different from each other.

Third collection#3:the peculiar look, appearance, and bearing of a person

For example:”There is an air of mystery about him.”

So that I found a song about mystery.

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