Tour kit-My own Personal Territory

My personal territory tour kit is really simple, they are just a Map that can show the way to my territory and Five dollars and a introduction of what people should do over there.

I put five dollars in side of my kit, it means that I want people can feel free to buy some drinks and snacks to let them feel comfortable on that territory.

And than they can sit on the bench and  enjoy the snacks to do some people watching.

I think during the process that they watched people walk pass the street and even say hi to them, they can think a lot.

I just want people who come  to my territory can feel comfortable and quiet relax during the exhausted  life.

Three Proposals

I prepared 3 proposals for the final project.I tried to make them to become a installation, and during the process, I found some of them could not have a nicely look or there are something made it could not work well. And the last passages is about  the process that I trying to find which proposal is better to become a installation.



This is my first proposal, and the hyaline box suppose to be made by plastic and I will put some air that I collected on the line and I will try to made them flat .

The reason that I want to made this installation is to make people realize that we are actually around by air. So that I want to use these sculpture to made people feel like the air can have their height and their weight,and they can have their own shape if they want, too.

But finally I didn’t  choose this proposal, because it is too difficult to convince people that the air inside the plastic boxes  are the air that I collected from the line. Also when I trying to put the air in the plastic boxes, they are always can not get in it well.

Proposal #2


This is my second proposal and finally I choose this one, but I changed some part of it.

My original plan is to hang the glass bottles and the object on the ceiling, and I will hang the objects inside of each glass bottle. This idea is also about let people to feel the nature of the air. Because the object is around by the air that inside of the bottle and also the bottle are arounded by the air in the space. So that people could know that the nature of the air actually is “around”.

But when I talked with Brett and he said that people will just focus on the objects which inside of the glass bottle but not the air that around it. Due to this suggestion, I changed my plan. I give up with the object part and I just use the bottle to collect the air on the line.

And to convince people that I did found the air on the line, I made the video when I collect it.

Proposal #3


This is my third proposal, and I want to use the move of the threads that I found on the line to show the move of the air. Because the air are moving and we have not realize it and we even did not notice. So that I want people to think about the moving of the air to have a deep understand about the nature of the air.

But finally I didn’t  use the idea, because I do not think this will give audience a enjoy on the look of this installation.