The focus-Movement of the Air

About the final project, I chose to use two different parts combina together as my final installation.

Both two parts are willing to show the movements of the air.

And about the first part I documented the process that I collect the air on my line.

I asked my friend Audi, who is a graduate student in our school to help me to document it with video.

That day was really cold and we walked to Alfred state University, and I just stand on the line and collect the air.

The proposal that I want to reach is that I want people to feel how the air exist.

In other words, I want people to know the way that air are around us.

For instance, when I am collecting the air, the bottle is actually opened, it’s without lid. So that the air is inside the bottle, also it’s outside the bottle. At same time, it’s doesn’t matter when ever I closed the bottle, there will have air inside of it.

Due to those appearance, I want people to feel the nature of the air.

It’s everywhere and it’s no exactly shape.

On the other hand, I am using the movement of people around me and the moving of the cloud in the sky to show the change of the space and at same time even the air is moving by the different elements, they are actually still there. They are like never been moved because of the relative movement in the space.

So that the people walk passed me, the cloud that moved away from me, and the cars that passed away from me are all  moving.

But on the other aspects, they made the air changing but the air still there, like nothing have been changed.

In the second part of the installation, I hang the bottles that already full of the air that I collected on the line to the ceiling.

I used six bottles to collect air and I hanged them on a same line.

The proposal that I hang the bottle like this is I want people to know that air are moving.

Because they are hanging on the ceiling so that they can softly moving by the “air” that around them.