A love letter to Alfred-CoLab

This weekend, our homework for CoLab is to considering a place that we value in Alfred, and use our own way to express that value.

The place that I chose is a stream near by the faculty parking lot, it is also near by the Kanakadea Hall. I think this place is the most valuable place to me; when I feel upset or do not want to keep going, I will walk to this stream and just stand there. With the sound of the flowing stream, I can feel better and it’s like a kind of encouragement to me when I looking at the water in the stream.

Here is my letter to her, to say thank you for her accompany during my depress time.


So that to express my appreciation to her, I drew few small drawing for her.

Adventure with Jaime Kent-COLAB

In B-block, we are having CoLab adventure now!

We are all received a letter in class and there are few pieces of paper in it, which are talked about some works that we can choose. And we need to finish a task alone, also need to do some works with our partner. Jaime and I choose each other to become partners, here is our first work:

The task that we chose is to hand out string. Jaime and I went to Powell around dinner time to finish this work. And the first three person received our string is Lauren Havel, Kyoshi Konashiro, Kellin Jantzen and Gabby Weiss. Because they are sitting in a same table so that I talked about them in a same time.


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Here are some information that we got when we talking to them.


And then we move to another table and we meet our RA Margret and her friends.( Jaime and I are both live in Openhym~)

Again here are some basic answer that we got from the conversation  with them.


After that we interviewed the first Chinese student we meet tonight, his name is Fredal. He is also the first person that do not want to tell us his age…



He sitted alone, so that we move to next table, there are three person there.

They are Zach,Stephanie and Sean.

Since now, we have already given 22 strings! Here are some information that we received from talking to sean.


And then we moved to a table that are sited three girls. They are Heiley,Emilea and Erin.

Here are some words that we cot from them.


Since now, we have given people 30 strings together. And during the process about taking to people, I feel that it’s interesting to break the silence and talk to the people that you don’t know.