POP-UP Public Service!

This time we are doing a kind of public service to give some give back to the community. Each of us have 7 dollars expenditure and we need to work as a group to do the giving back.

So that Maggie, Skyla, Mac, Moody, Chris and I decide to work together as a group. And after the discussion, we decide to make a ice cream track to giving some free ice cream to the people live in Alfred. It’s also a kind of way that we gather some childhood memory from the people here.

We decide to use some sketch book to collect the memory that people are telling us, they could either draw some picture about their memory or they could write a story. And after that they can get a free ice-cream!


After everything had been decided, we started our memory collecting!

IMG_7652 Thea is our first “guest”.

And we got lots of stories, after three days collecting, we scan the memories that we collected and made them to a book.

Alfred Recourse Map!

About this project, we need to do the map about Alfred. This time we need to work as a group, so Jess, Christina, Lauren and I decide to work as a group. And our group decide to do a memory map about Alfred, we are planning to share some nice memory the we had experinenced at Alfred.

So that we did a little “tent” about our memory. Each of our group memeber did a side of the tent, and we combine the four sheets together to hang in together to the ceiling. And we did some mini pillow to make the space more comfortable. It’s also to let people feel cozy about our nice memory.

Each of us painted and did some needlework on a white bed sheet. The memory that I shared is the hot pot memory with my friend, Christina’s is about her birthday,Jess’s is about her childhood memory,and Lauren’s is about a map that she did about here, mostly it’s like the expression that she had about Alfred.

And we hang some electronic candle in the middle of the space. I felt really really nice to work with others in our group, though we might can not have a time to work together, everyone’s seclude are so busy, so that we separate the work and we just finished our work withe the time that works for each of us. Though the process was like this, I still think we still finished our work nicely and cooperate with others with our best state.


Here’s few interviews that I did individually with some people that I don’t actually know well, and I talked to them and asked them few questions about Alfred. My main topic is what do you feel Alfred is missing. It is almost a interview that people can talk about what do they feel about Alfred’s negative part and what aspect that here need to improved.

I did interview with three ‘actors’ that I knew from a play called [ Life is a dream]. It is a play that directed by Becky Prophet. And it was showed at April 9,10,11 this seamster. The reason why I knew these three actors is b I am also a actor in this play, though I am just playing a small part which is not a important role in this play, but it’s also really nice to have this kind of experience to play a part in a play and to know these bunch of nice people. Ok, back to the interview.LoL~

I did the first interview with Nate.

Q1; If you can do some changes about Alfred, what will you change?

A1; I would change how the carrear fair has no options for Biomaterials  students.

Q2: What do you wish Alfred have?

A2: Some more places to eat, and maybe another bar.

Q3;What can’t you live without in Alfred ?

A3:NANA’S ! It’s the best food in Alfred!

From him i feel like Alfred had really less of food, and actually I think so~

I did the  second interview with Grace. The interview questions are all the same, and her answer is below:

A1: I want some more to do off campus( I do appreciate that there are a lot of on campus events)

A2: An all purpose building for clubs to use. And large space for activities, etc.

A3: Phone.

From the interview with her, I feel like we still to have ore actives and some more to do besides courses and homework stuff.

I did the third interview with Morgen.

A1: I would not change everything about Alfred, because very place has their strong points.

A2: Alfred do not have much city life. I wish Alfred has more networking opportunity.

A3: I can not live with car!!!!!

From all the interviewers, I find that Alfred just need to be more like a city, but as Morgan said, if we change it, it will not like what it is anymore.

CoLab- Moving things!

Every one in the class were received a letter and there are few small piece of paper inside of the letter. And the content on the paper is few task that we can choose to finished and then we might post them in our blog. The second task that I chose was to ‘Moving Things’ in our campus.

Honestly, I had a little bit confused about what can I move. So that I decide to go to Powell and have something to eat. Maybe after I am full, there might be something interesting will come out from my mind.

As expected, I realized that when I am eating, I am moving.

A love letter to Alfred-CoLab

This weekend, our homework for CoLab is to considering a place that we value in Alfred, and use our own way to express that value.

The place that I chose is a stream near by the faculty parking lot, it is also near by the Kanakadea Hall. I think this place is the most valuable place to me; when I feel upset or do not want to keep going, I will walk to this stream and just stand there. With the sound of the flowing stream, I can feel better and it’s like a kind of encouragement to me when I looking at the water in the stream.

Here is my letter to her, to say thank you for her accompany during my depress time.


So that to express my appreciation to her, I drew few small drawing for her.

Adventure with Jaime Kent-COLAB

In B-block, we are having CoLab adventure now!

We are all received a letter in class and there are few pieces of paper in it, which are talked about some works that we can choose. And we need to finish a task alone, also need to do some works with our partner. Jaime and I choose each other to become partners, here is our first work:

The task that we chose is to hand out string. Jaime and I went to Powell around dinner time to finish this work. And the first three person received our string is Lauren Havel, Kyoshi Konashiro, Kellin Jantzen and Gabby Weiss. Because they are sitting in a same table so that I talked about them in a same time.


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Here are some information that we got when we talking to them.


And then we move to another table and we meet our RA Margret and her friends.( Jaime and I are both live in Openhym~)

Again here are some basic answer that we got from the conversation  with them.


After that we interviewed the first Chinese student we meet tonight, his name is Fredal. He is also the first person that do not want to tell us his age…



He sitted alone, so that we move to next table, there are three person there.

They are Zach,Stephanie and Sean.

Since now, we have already given 22 strings! Here are some information that we received from talking to sean.


And then we moved to a table that are sited three girls. They are Heiley,Emilea and Erin.

Here are some words that we cot from them.


Since now, we have given people 30 strings together. And during the process about taking to people, I feel that it’s interesting to break the silence and talk to the people that you don’t know.

The focus-Movement of the Air

About the final project, I chose to use two different parts combina together as my final installation.

Both two parts are willing to show the movements of the air.

And about the first part I documented the process that I collect the air on my line.

I asked my friend Audi, who is a graduate student in our school to help me to document it with video.

That day was really cold and we walked to Alfred state University, and I just stand on the line and collect the air.

The proposal that I want to reach is that I want people to feel how the air exist.

In other words, I want people to know the way that air are around us.

For instance, when I am collecting the air, the bottle is actually opened, it’s without lid. So that the air is inside the bottle, also it’s outside the bottle. At same time, it’s doesn’t matter when ever I closed the bottle, there will have air inside of it.

Due to those appearance, I want people to feel the nature of the air.

It’s everywhere and it’s no exactly shape.

On the other hand, I am using the movement of people around me and the moving of the cloud in the sky to show the change of the space and at same time even the air is moving by the different elements, they are actually still there. They are like never been moved because of the relative movement in the space.

So that the people walk passed me, the cloud that moved away from me, and the cars that passed away from me are all  moving.

But on the other aspects, they made the air changing but the air still there, like nothing have been changed.

In the second part of the installation, I hang the bottles that already full of the air that I collected on the line to the ceiling.

I used six bottles to collect air and I hanged them on a same line.

The proposal that I hang the bottle like this is I want people to know that air are moving.

Because they are hanging on the ceiling so that they can softly moving by the “air” that around them.

Tour kit-My own Personal Territory

My personal territory tour kit is really simple, they are just a Map that can show the way to my territory and Five dollars and a introduction of what people should do over there.

I put five dollars in side of my kit, it means that I want people can feel free to buy some drinks and snacks to let them feel comfortable on that territory.

And than they can sit on the bench and  enjoy the snacks to do some people watching.

I think during the process that they watched people walk pass the street and even say hi to them, they can think a lot.

I just want people who come  to my territory can feel comfortable and quiet relax during the exhausted  life.

Three Proposals

I prepared 3 proposals for the final project.I tried to make them to become a installation, and during the process, I found some of them could not have a nicely look or there are something made it could not work well. And the last passages is about  the process that I trying to find which proposal is better to become a installation.



This is my first proposal, and the hyaline box suppose to be made by plastic and I will put some air that I collected on the line and I will try to made them flat .

The reason that I want to made this installation is to make people realize that we are actually around by air. So that I want to use these sculpture to made people feel like the air can have their height and their weight,and they can have their own shape if they want, too.

But finally I didn’t  choose this proposal, because it is too difficult to convince people that the air inside the plastic boxes  are the air that I collected from the line. Also when I trying to put the air in the plastic boxes, they are always can not get in it well.

Proposal #2


This is my second proposal and finally I choose this one, but I changed some part of it.

My original plan is to hang the glass bottles and the object on the ceiling, and I will hang the objects inside of each glass bottle. This idea is also about let people to feel the nature of the air. Because the object is around by the air that inside of the bottle and also the bottle are arounded by the air in the space. So that people could know that the nature of the air actually is “around”.

But when I talked with Brett and he said that people will just focus on the objects which inside of the glass bottle but not the air that around it. Due to this suggestion, I changed my plan. I give up with the object part and I just use the bottle to collect the air on the line.

And to convince people that I did found the air on the line, I made the video when I collect it.

Proposal #3


This is my third proposal, and I want to use the move of the threads that I found on the line to show the move of the air. Because the air are moving and we have not realize it and we even did not notice. So that I want people to think about the moving of the air to have a deep understand about the nature of the air.

But finally I didn’t  use the idea, because I do not think this will give audience a enjoy on the look of this installation.

The Word-AIR (Three collections)

As we all known, air is compounded  by different elements; And the common name given to the atmospheric gases used in breathing and photosynthesis is air. By volume, dry air contains 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.039% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases. Air also contains a variable amount of water vapor, on average around 1%.


It is hyaline.It is a stir in the atmosphere, a light breeze

First collection#1:the atmosphere on the Earth.

There are lots of thoughts appeared in my mind during the time that I walked on the line.

Everyone are hyaline to this world, all of us can be considered as the air. But each and every one of us in this world is indispensable, and looks like a gear driven by the World’s turn, as an indispensable air, but we are not aware of it.

Air is around us. Like us around this world.

Second collection#2: Overhead Space, Sky

Water in the air condenses in forming a small water droplets, thus resulting in snow. I was walked on the road, and looked at the sky and snow; they are all from the air, but the color of those two are very different from each other.

Third collection#3:the peculiar look, appearance, and bearing of a person

For example:”There is an air of mystery about him.”

So that I found a song about mystery.