Three Proposals

I prepared 3 proposals for the final project.I tried to make them to become a installation, and during the process, I found some of them could not have a nicely look or there are something made it could not work well. And the last passages is about  the process that I trying to find which proposal is better to become a installation.



This is my first proposal, and the hyaline box suppose to be made by plastic and I will put some air that I collected on the line and I will try to made them flat .

The reason that I want to made this installation is to make people realize that we are actually around by air. So that I want to use these sculpture to made people feel like the air can have their height and their weight,and they can have their own shape if they want, too.

But finally I didn’t  choose this proposal, because it is too difficult to convince people that the air inside the plastic boxes  are the air that I collected from the line. Also when I trying to put the air in the plastic boxes, they are always can not get in it well.

Proposal #2


This is my second proposal and finally I choose this one, but I changed some part of it.

My original plan is to hang the glass bottles and the object on the ceiling, and I will hang the objects inside of each glass bottle. This idea is also about let people to feel the nature of the air. Because the object is around by the air that inside of the bottle and also the bottle are arounded by the air in the space. So that people could know that the nature of the air actually is “around”.

But when I talked with Brett and he said that people will just focus on the objects which inside of the glass bottle but not the air that around it. Due to this suggestion, I changed my plan. I give up with the object part and I just use the bottle to collect the air on the line.

And to convince people that I did found the air on the line, I made the video when I collect it.

Proposal #3


This is my third proposal, and I want to use the move of the threads that I found on the line to show the move of the air. Because the air are moving and we have not realize it and we even did not notice. So that I want people to think about the moving of the air to have a deep understand about the nature of the air.

But finally I didn’t  use the idea, because I do not think this will give audience a enjoy on the look of this installation.

Word definition-AIR



 It is the atmosphere of Earth;The atmosphere of Earth is a layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by Earth’s gravity.


There is no exactly scope of air, when it comes to where it become to which kind of shape.

the meaning of air:

It is a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and minute amounts of other gases that surrounds the earth and forms its atmosphere.

There is no limited of the word, from my perspective, if we alive a day, it must be exist with us. In otter words, we cannot live without it, as fish cannot leave the water. The synonyms of this word are “wind” “impression”, “aspect”” aura”, “demeanor”, “attitude””manner”.


         Word Origin and History for air Expand
c.1300, “invisible gases that make up the atmosphere,” from Old French air “atmosphere, breeze, weather” (12c.), from Latin aerem (nominative aer) “air, lower atmosphere, sky,” from Greek aer (genitive aeros) “air” (related to aenai “to blow, breathe”), of unknown origin, possibly from a base *awer- and thus related to aeirein “to raise” and arteria “windpipe, artery” (see aorta ) on notion of “lifting, that which rises.” In Homer mostly “thick air, mist;” later “air” as one of the four elements.

Words for “air” in Indo-European languages tend to be associated with wind, brightness, sky. In English, air Replaced native lyft, luft (see loft (n.)). To be in the air “in general awareness” is from 1875; up in the air “uncertain, doubtful” is from 1752. To build castles in the air is from 1590s (in 17c. English had airmonger “one preoccupied with visionary projects”). Broadcasting sense (e.g. on the air) first recorded 1927. To give (someone) the air “dismiss” is from 1900. Air pollution is attested by 1870.

1590s, “manner, appearance” (e.g. an air of mystery); 1650s, “assumed manner, affected appearance” (especially in phrase put on airs, 1781), from French air “look, appearance, mien, bearing, tone” (Old French aire “reality, essence, nature, descent, extraction,” 12c.; cf. debonair ), from Latin ager “place, field” (see acre ) on notion of “place of origin.”

But some French sources connect this Old French word with the source of air (n.1), and it also is possible these senses in English developed from or were influenced by air (n.1); cf. sense development of atmosphere and Latin spiritus “breath, breeze,” also “high spirit, pride,” and the extended senses of anima.

“melody, tune,” 1580s, from Italian aria (see aria ).

Since the different parts of speech of “air”, it shift change the way that I understand the word.

For instance, if this word is a Verb, and it used without object, it becoms be exposed to the open air,
Like we can use it in the under sentence: Open the window and let the room air out.

verb (used with object)

to expose to the air; give access to the open air; ventilate (often followed by out):
We air the bedrooms every day.

to expose ostentatiously; bring to public notice; display:
to air one’s opinions; to air one’s theories.

to broadcast or televise.


operating by means of air pressure or by acting upon air:
an air drill; an air pump.

of or pertaining to aircraft or to aviation:
air industry.

taking place in the air; aerial :
air war.


clear the air, to eliminate dissension, ambiguity, or tension from a discussion, situation, etc.:
The staff meeting was intended to help clear the air.

get the air, Informal.
to be rejected, as by a lover.
to be dismissed, as by an employer:
He had worked only a few days when he got the air.

give (someone) the air, Informal.
to reject, as a lover:
He was bitter because she gave him the air.
to dismiss, as an employee.

in the air, in circulation; current:
There’s a rumor in the air that we’re moving to a new location.

into thin air, completely out of sight or reach:
He vanished into thin air.

off the air,
not broadcasting:
The station goes off the air at midnight.
not broadcast; out of operation as a broadcast:
The program went off the air years ago.
(of a computer) not in operation.

on the air,
in the act of broadcasting; being broadcast:
The program will be going on the air in a few seconds.
(of a computer) in operation.

The following founds let me realized that we can use many kinds of different aspect to watch this word through the hyaline media.

I find that,  if we look at the air, we can see everything.

Air is everywhere, air is every one, it is even our whole world.

 Smoke is air, the drop of water on the leaf is air, the coldness is air ,the winter is air, all of them are from the air. They are just air.

It was so cold these days, every pieces of snow were like a white stone, even these are the nature of air.